Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Picture Me Pictureless

Where's Sasha?

Ashanti Region Ghana, Africa

Wittenberg, Germany

Question's About Sasha's Life

Who are you? 
I'm many things a son, uncle, brother but a lot of people also consider me an artist in many fields I am a rapper,singer,poet,writer, and quite few others

Where are you from? 
I'm from Los Angeles, California (Miracle Mile/West L.A.)

Do you have siblings? 
Yes, five sisters (one of which is older than me by a year)

Do you miss where you came from? 
Yes, coming from Los Angeles to here was totally different kind of a slight culture shock you could say

How many generations ago did your family came to the United States?
On my mothers side this would be the fourth generations (German Jews) and my father tell the truth I have to re found out that answer  

What do your parents do for a living? 
My father is an actor/filmmaker and my mother is a esthetician/publicist 

What are the main problems to watch out for in the United States, particularly for young people?
I came from L.A. I don't think that all young people have the same problems cause from state to state young people are doing different things in L.A. are different I worry more about gangs a lot more than probably people out here do in Winston-Salem but one thing state by state is the same the amount of drug use that young adults do 

What is the role of new/digital media in your life?
Well, it's weird thinking about that to tell the truth cause when I look at my sisters it's seems like physical things are becoming more less and less needed like Human Contact or even smaller CD's or don't even bring up Cassette Players 

Have you ever been involved in growing food? 
Yes, My grandmother use to have a garden in her house

When did you get interested in art? 
When don't you get interested in art. Little kids draw, build blocks, make shapes and different colors I think our nature is to create but what people consider art is their decision not mines 

What advice would you give teenagers who are newly arrived in the United States? 
I really can't think of any advice for people first time in the U.S. 

Have you traveled or lived in foreign countries? 
Yes, Italy,Capri and Jamaica 

If so, what did you learn from your experiences? 
I was so young when I went to Jamaica and Italy I learned I need to go there again but this time I won't be locked up in my hotel for majority of the trip

Did you grow up in a multi-cultural area?
Yes, Los Angeles is pretty diverse