Monday, May 23, 2011

H Tep Adrong

I was honored to be able to record traditional weaving at its prime. I have never seen it before so really didn't know what to expect. I chose to the weaving as my documentary for a couple reasons (1) I wanted to have enough time to edit my project and not worry about it, (2) I wanted video tape something very uniquely creative, (3) and I wanted to see understand the culture as much as the people. H Tep Adrong is the weaver in this film. I hope you enjoy.

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Final Goodbye

Digitally technology is complicated. If, you  have read my later posting you can see, especially in my entry Generation Y: Digital Love and Hate,  love is mixed and my overall feeling for it is not hundred either way. It does provide a good resource and helps people tremendously. But it also causes a lot of pain to people live, addiction, breakups, health issues. Yin and Yang is the ultimate response to this. It has its good attributes and bad ones. I just want to say a final good bye to the topic of is it bad or not. It seems this year it has been talked about way more then they past I don't know if that's because of elders finally realizes things about it or it's just the topic of the school year. So goodbye to this topic

Baraka (Wavin Flag)

CLICK LINK FOR VIDEO:Baraka (Wavin Flag)

I felt that these two were examples of people doing a traditional piece of work but put a contemporary twist to it. Baraka is a movie but with no narrative just images that convey a story and I felt that broke the traditional ideology of films. And K'naan puts a lot of African instruments and culture into his songs broke the traditional idea of rap by doing that. So I decided to combine to people that do very traditional work but put a contemporary twist on it and do my own contemporary by combining their work and making a music video.

What We Do For Art

The influence of art has effected the human race since the beginning of our existence. Drawings on caves, clay sculptures, oral story telling. If we didn't have art we wouldn't be half as evolved as we are now. I believe that's what truly defines us from other species. A lot of people are artist especially nowadays with the internet and other digital forces. But the same reasoning for doing art hasn't changed for instance, old painters and poets use to go on the street and sell their art for money and that being the only reasoning of doing that art. The only difference is that you don't have to barter people on the street; don't even have to meet them you could just sell your product purely digitally through web stores or blogs such as this one. This also allows the artist that does art for more then money or not for money at all to explore the options. For example, Issa a donation policy with her music allowing the person to buy an album from hundred dollars to absolute nothing. Radiohead also did a campaign like that one, and various artist post there music for free. The idea behind the art or reasoning for it can be totally different then the art itself. Hopefully, people have a passion for what they do. Digital apecst have helped people to reach what they wanted to do way more now then has every done before. It's easier to record songs only need a computer or phone. For instance, Atomic Tom they're instruments were stolen but they decided not to give up but find an alternative which happened to be their iPhone's. What they did was stupendous and respected. Some people would give up but they didn't. And it all leads down to one question. What would you do for your art?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Generation Y: Digital Love and Hate

Generation Y or my generation was born at the peak of digital media. Being able to see and be part of the new inventions that are now so prevalent into days society such as, cell phones and computers. People are able to express themselves in a whole new manner and making their art more accessible to others. For example music and paintings with the internet flourishing as it is allows people to show case their work in 'binary style' to the whole world and not to just one sector or audience. So we are having more and more talented people being notice for their art because of that. Although it has a created a great resource to allow artist to get their work noticed it also is hurting them. Piracy has become the main issue in day to day life. The internet, DVD-R's or CD-R's makes it hard for the artist that do decide to showcase their art on a digital form more easily got to for people that want to either get it for free or sale their art. This has become most used I believe in literacy on the internet. College/High students copy and pasting information they found on to the internet into a paper they have to write for class. The newly found or created easiness of getting information off the internet has made todays people more about temporary knowledge only trying to remember what they need to get by because if they do need to get the information again they have easier resources to remember it by. Overall, The digital era has helped us a lot in a plenty of ways like medically, intellectually and other. But was is the consequence to all that greatness maybe be the loss of connection between people, the retaining of knowledge or even being to create art. I love digital media like any other but I do realize what it has made us and it is a very love and hate relationship.

Our Ancestors

Thursday, April 14, 2011

People Not The Society

History and culture is what makes a community. The music and environment is only manipulated by the people in it, although adaption places a big part, it only determines what we become but not who we are. As a film maker I find myself more interested in the people themselves or history of the people then just solely the music, food, fashion. Because any culture people have their differences on what they believe is good food, good instruments or even what is even part of their culture or not. So directed towards the Montagnards I would most likely want to talk to clergyman at first to understand the past culture, religion then talk to many people currently transitioning to America and talk about their concerns about this country concerning themselves and others in the community.